
Liquid waterproofing. How to patch up a corner?
Eagle Group Waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing. How to patch up a corner?

In projects involving liquid waterproofing, it is normal to wonder how to properly patch up a corner. Patching up a corner takes time and it can often be a weak spot in our waterproofing process, especially when working on roofs, terraces or balconies. Given the versatility of the fibreglass mesh specifically designed as

waterproof drinking water tanks
Eagle Group Waterproofing

Ultraflex PW to waterproof drinking water tanks

Suitable for constant contact with water for human consumption and ideal to waterproof drinking water tanks. It creates perfectly sealed and watertight surfaces in constant contact with drinking water. Introducing the Ultraflex PW system to waterproof drinking water tanks. This is a waterproofing system that creates perfectly sealed and watertight surfaces that are in constant

ULTRAFLEX GRIP, maximum speed in anti-slip systems for roofs

Ultraflex GRIP, Maximum speed in non-slip System

ULTRAFLEX GRIP, the new non-slip system for direct application. The microparticles are mixed with the aliphatic polyurethane (Ultratop or Clearcoat) in the same can and directly roller applied to create an anti-slip system encapsulated in the aliphatic. Available in cans of 350 gr. (for 5 kg cans of aliphatic) and 2 kg

Jornadas eagle ultraflex en galicia
Eagle Group Waterproofing

Great turnouts to our ULTRAFLEX® and Aquapol technical workshops in Galicia

Thanks to our distributors for their warm welcome! The technical workshops in which we presented our ULTRAFLEX® and Aquapol liquid waterproofing products were a great success. Under the rain clouds of Galicia, our product range demonstrated that it is unrivalled when it comes to dealing with extremely wet conditions. The new concept in

Eagle Group Waterproofing

Nueva Jornada de Demostración

Te esperamos el próximo martes, 10 de diciembre en las instalaciones de nuestro distribuidor en Vilanova i la Geltrú. Ven a conocer las ventajas de Ultraflex, membrana líquida de poliuretano para la impermeabilización de todo tipo de cubiertas y zonas acuáticas. Y el resto de nuestras innovaciones en impermeabilización líquida.

Eagle Group Waterproofing

Demonstration Workshop at ISOLANA

We hope to see you on Friday, 29 November 2020, at ISOLANA’s branch in Hospitalet. Learn about the advantages of using ULTRAFLEX®, a polyurethane liquid membrane for waterproofing all sorts of roofs and water features.
