Bicomponent epoxy resin
Two-component, 100% Solids content Epoxi Resin.
Ultradry is a low viscosity bicomponent epoxy resin for application in one layer.
It is specially designed to absorbe moisture in humid substrates and improve planimetry for Ultraflex system, as in concrete, mortar or ceramic substrates with a high residual moisture.
Ultradry has been specially developed for application in the following situations: Concrete, mortar or ceramic substrates.
“Green mortar”

General characteristics
- Aromatic two-component, 100% solids content epoxy resin, solvent-free, odourless.
- Retain the residual moisture up to 98% in supports as mortar or concrete.
- Excellent adherence in porous surfaces; concrete, mortars and ceramic tiles.
- Do not apply ULTRADRY in structural joints
15 KG pack: Component A (12 kg) + Component B (3 kg) (Metal tins) SHELF LIFE: 12 months at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C, provided it is stored in a dry place. Once the tin has been opened, the product must be used immediately.
These safety recommendations are necessary during the application process, as well as before and after, or upon exposure while loading machinery.
- Skin protection: Use rubber gloves and wash immediately after contamination. Wear clean clothes covering your entire body. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after use and before eating, drinking, or smoking. Contaminated clothing must be dry cleaned. Eyes/Face: Wear safety goggles to prevent splashing.
- Respiratory protection: When handling or spraying, use an approved air-purifying respirator.
- Waste: Waste generation should be avoided as much as possible. Incinerate under controlled conditions in accordance with local and national laws and regulations. For more information check the safety data sheet of the product.
Application Guide
- The surface to be covered should be flat, firm and free from substances which might hinder adherence: dust, lime, plaster, paint, adhesive and any non- humidity resistance substrate.
- Remove superficial water in the surface.
- ULTRADRY has been designed by combining component A and component B. Pour the content of component B into the container of the component A and mix well with a mechanical shaker in slow speed until obtain a uniform color and consistency.
- Apply a ULTRADRY homogeneous coat with a toothed trowel; while the product is wet, smooth out the surface with a short nap roller with product.
- For other weather conditions or types of substrates, consult our technical department.
- Do not apply with phreatic water pressure.